铜佛像是指用铜或青铜铸造的佛像 |
添加时间:2018/3/22 17:38:59 浏览次数: |
铜佛像是指用铜或青铜铸造的佛像。这类佛像中有相当部分表面鎏金,故又称“金铜佛像”。大型室外的佛像一般为铜佛像。 A bronze statue is a statue of a Buddha made of copper or bronze. A considerable part of the surface of this kind of gold Buddha, it is also called the "gold copper buddha". The statue of a large outdoor Buddha is usually a bronze statue. 按照制作材质的不同一般分为:铜佛像、金佛、石材佛像、玉佛、玻璃钢佛像、树脂佛像、脱胎佛像(大庄严佛像制)、木雕佛像等等。较为盛行的且保存时间持久的是铜佛像。 According to the production of different materials is generally divided into: bronze statues, stone Buddha, Buddha, Buddha, Buddha statues, glass steel, resin from the Buddha (Buddha Zhuang Yan like system), wood carving statues and so on. The more popular and preserved time is the bronze Buddha. 近年来,铜佛像在拍卖市场可谓大放异彩,受到了各路藏家的极力追捧,成交价格也屡创新高,在2006年香港苏富比一场秋季拍卖会上,一尊“明永乐鎏金释迦牟尼坐像”竟以1.2359亿港元成功拍出,创下中国铜佛像艺术品迄今为止世界拍卖最高纪录。由此可见,铜佛像铜雕有着广阔的投资前景和升值空间。 In recent years, copper Buddha in the auction market is shine, by the various collectors highly sought after, the price also hit record highs in 2006, a Sotheby's Hongkong autumn auction, a statue of "Yongle gold Shakya Muni seated" was in HK $123 million 590 thousand successful film, a Chinese copper Buddha by far the world's art auction the highest record. Thus, the bronze copper Buddha has a broad investment prospects and appreciation of space. 铜佛像是以金属铜作为质地的佛像类型,常见的有铜鎏金,青铜佛像、黄铜佛像等。 Copper Buddha with metal copper as the texture of the Buddha type, a common copper gilt bronze Buddha statues, brass, etc.. |
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