青铜鼎上的“兽面纹” |
添加时间:2018/12/27 15:34:53 浏览次数: |
鼎——是文明的见证,也是文化的载体。直到现在,中国人仍然有一种鼎崇拜的意识,“鼎”字也被赋予“显赫”、“ 尊贵”、“盛大”之意。如:鼎成龙升、夏鼎商彝、鸣钟食鼎、大名鼎鼎、一言九鼎、大名鼎鼎、鼎盛时期、鼎力相助等等,都不难看出人们对鼎的膜拜之情。乃至现代很多企业单位也纷纷以鼎字命名,以鼎的美好寓意融入其中。 Ding - is the witness of civilization and the carrier of culture. Until now, the Chinese people still have a sense of worship of the tripod, and the word "tripod" has been given the meaning of "prominence", "dignity" and "grandeur". Such as: Ding Chenglongsheng, Xia Ding Shangyi, bell ringing, food tripod, famous tripod, nine words, famous tripod, peak period, vigorous assistance, etc., it is not difficult to see people's worship of the tripod. Even in modern times, many enterprises are named after the word "tripod" one after another, which is integrated with the good meaning of "tripod". 兽面纹是动物的头部正视图案,也是动物纹构图最原始的一种形式。在商周青铜器纹饰中,所占的数量最大。 Animal facial pattern is not only the facial pattern of animal head, but also the most primitive form of animal facial pattern. Among the bronze ornaments of Shang and Zhou Dynasties, the number of ornaments is the largest. 自宋代以来,这种纹饰称为饕餮纹兽面纹又多见于镌刻在青铜鼎上。以鼻梁为中线,两侧作对称排列,上端第一道是角,角下有目,形象比较具体的兽面纹在目上还有眉,目的两侧有的有耳,多数兽面纹有曲张的爪,两侧有左右展开的体躯或兽尾,少数简略形式的没有兽的体部或尾部。 Since the Song Dynasty, this kind of decoration, known as the animal face pattern of gluttony, has been mostly carved on bronze tripod. With the nose as the center line, the two sides are arranged symmetrically. The first line is the horn at the top and the eyes at the bottom of the horn. The specific animal facial markings are on the eyes and eyebrows. Some have ears on both sides of the goal, most animal facial markings have curved claws, both sides have left and right body or tail, and a few simple forms have no animal's body or tail. 所有兽面纹基本上是按这一模式塑造的,只是在表现方法和技巧上,随着时代的发展而有所不同。 All animal facial patterns are basically shaped according to this model, but in terms of expression methods and techniques, they vary with the development of the times. |
上一页 铜雕产业代表着我国文化艺术的象征 |
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