钟有特钟和编钟之别 |
添加时间:2019/4/30 15:41:20 浏览次数: |
钟有特钟和编钟之别,特别人的钟叫特钟,能单独的悬在架上。成组依大小次序悬在一个架上的是编钟,大小和它的高低音有关系,有的十六个为一组。现存的钟有西周初期以至春秋战国时期的,战国较盛行。钟用木槌敲击演奏,考古发现的编钟,有槌同时出土。 Clocks are different from clocks. Special clocks are called special clocks, which can be suspended separately on a rack. Groups of bells are suspended on a rack in order of size. Size is related to its bass and bass. shuiniguan.37ix.com.cntaoci.37ix.com.cnchongdian.89ix.comkongzhifa.89ix.compeidiand.89ix.com shiyand.89ix.comSome sixteen are grouped together. The existing bells were from the early Western Zhou Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and the Warring States Period was more prevalent. The bells are played with mallets, and archaeologically discovered chimes are unearthed with mallets at the same time. |
上一页 钟的形制花纹 |
下一页 常见的大钟有三种类别 |
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