晨钟暮鼓的礼佛仪式重现 |
添加时间:2019/7/12 13:52:34 浏览次数: |
中轴线左右两侧是重建后的钟鼓楼。高约7米,灰色瓦顶,额枋彩绘。相传,唐、宋年间,佛教盛极一时,僧人们需于早晚上殿诵经。 On the left and right sides of the central axis are the reconstructed bell and drum towers. It is about 7 meters high, with grey tiled roof and painted forehead. According to legend, during the Tang and Song dynasties, Buddhism flourished for a time, and monks had to recite sutras in the early evening palace. 晨光熹微,殿内便击磬撞钟。那铜钟声浑厚悠扬,可传数里,并与洛阳东大街钟楼上的钟共鸣一致,便有“东边撞钟西边响,西边撞钟东边鸣”的佳话流传于洛阳城。本已毁损,但在1992年重建竣工后,晨钟暮鼓的礼佛仪式重现,这曾为“洛阳八景”的“马寺钟声”便重新恢复。 When the morning light was low, the temple struck the bell. The sound of the copper bell is thick and melodious, which can be passed for several miles, and echoes with the bells in the bell tower of Luoyang East Street. The story of "striking bells in the east, striking bells in the west, striking bells in the West and striking bells in the east" has been circulated in Luoyang City. It had been destroyed, but after the completion of the reconstruction in 1992, the ritual ceremony of morning bell and evening drum reappeared, which was once the "bell sound of Ma Temple" of "Eight Views of Luoyang". |
上一页 酒店大堂摆放铜鼎是可以的 |
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