铜鼎比其他青铜器更为重要的历史文物 |
添加时间:2019/12/13 16:59:24 浏览次数: |
铜鼎随着时代的发展,作用也是不同的,最开始作为一种礼器存在,后来代表着权利的象征,视为镇国之宝和传国之宝,也是“明贵贱,别上下”等级制的标志。但是随着时代的发展,鼎发展到现在,他展现的不仅仅是一个鼎,他还展现了中国的历史文化,他代表着中国的传统文化。 With the development of the times, the function of the bronze tripod is also different. It first existed as a kind of ritual instrument, and later represented the symbol of rights. It was regarded as the treasure of the town and the treasure of passing on the country. It was also the symbol of the hierarchical system of "Ming, GUI and humble, don't go up and down". But with the development of the times, the tripod has developed to the present. What he shows is not only a tripod, but also the history and culture of China. He represents the traditional culture of China. 铜鼎是我国青铜文化的代表。它是文明的见证,也是文化的载体。是我国青铜艺术成熟期最l具审美价值的青铜艺术品。铜鼎也因此更加身价不凡,成为比其他青铜器更为重要的历史文l物。 Bronze tripod is the representative of Chinese bronze culture. It is the witness of civilization and the carrier of culture. It is the most aesthetic bronze art in the mature period of Chinese bronze art. Therefore, the bronze tripod is more valuable and becomes a more important historical article than other bronzes. |
上一页 铜钟制作生产方面,有自己独特的铜钟生产工艺 |
下一页 接引佛为西方极乐世界的教主,阿弥陀佛 |
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