铜雕的传承 |
添加时间:2021/8/6 14:58:09 浏览次数: |
铜雕的传承 The inheritance of copper carving 目前国内铜雕技艺中杭州铜雕王、百年老字号朱府铜艺第四代传人朱炳仁领衔的杭州铜雕已作为国家非物质文化遗产保护的一项重要传承技艺。朱炳仁是目前国内铜雕界唯一国家级工艺美术大师、铜雕泰斗。 朱炳仁先生担纲了从雷峰塔到峨眉山金顶的当代十大铜建筑的建筑艺术创造,同时在视觉艺术创作中,传作出独具风采的铜书艺术、千姿百态的熔铜艺术、精微入妙的青铜藏书票艺术、铜雕电话卡艺术。“阙立”是他的艺术新思维的代表作。 At present, the bronze carving king of Hangzhou and the fourth generation of Hangzhou bronze sculpture, led by Zhu Bingren, a hundred year old Zhu Fu, have been regarded as an important heritage of the national intangible cultural heritage protection. Zhu Bingren is the only national master of Arts and crafts in China, and the leader of bronze carving. Mr. Zhu Bingren created the architectural art of the ten contemporary copper buildings from Lefeng pagoda to the golden top of Mount Emei. At the same time, in the creation of visual art, he made a unique art of copper books, various kinds of bronze art, subtle and exquisite bronze collection art, and copper carving phone card art. Que Li is the masterpiece of his new artistic thinking. 铜雕的老字号品牌为“朱府铜艺”。他的历史可以上溯到清朝同治年间。1880年第一代铜艺匠人朱雨相在绍兴开设“义大铜锡店”,主要做些日常用品。由于价格公道,服务又好,工艺精湛,生意兴隆。 The old brand of copper carving is "Zhu Fu copper art". His history can be traced back to the period of the Qing Dynasty. In 1880, Zhu Yuxiang, the first generation of copper craftsmen, set up "Yida copper tin shop" in Shaoxing, mainly to make daily necessities. Because of fair price, good service, exquisite workmanship and prosperous business. 到了朱雨相之子朱宝堂手上“义大聚氨酯软管 PVC软管 隔离墩模具 u型槽模具 护坡模具 pvc输送带 尼龙输送带 天津除甲醛 北京除甲醛 铜锡店”更名为“瑞昌铜店”,设在绍兴北后街83-85号(原地于2002年被拆),生意更加红火,并开三店一铺,产品销到京城。从此“朱府铜艺”名扬天下。 On the hand of Zhu Yuxiang's son Zhu Baotang, "Yi Da copper tin shop" was renamed "Ruichang copper shop", located in Shaoxing North Back Street No. 83-85 (originally in 2002), the business was more red, and opened three shops, the products sold to the capital. From then on, "Zhu Fu copper art" is famous all over the world. |
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