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添加时间:2017/7/11 16:44:30 浏览次数: |
明万历青花乳香炉: Wanli qinghua milk incense burner: 明代万历年间,是明朝衰落时期,政治黑暗腐败,贵族穷奢极欲,连年天灾兵燹,百姓饥寒交迫,社会矛盾空前激化。万历皇帝在位47年,是明朝在位最久的皇帝,他不惜征用大量人力、物力,为自己建造定陵。明朝这一时期的瓷器质量,也因朝政的无能而每况愈下。 During the Ming dynasty, it was the decline period of the Ming dynasty, the political and dark corruption, the aristocracy of the aristocracy, the scourge of war and the famine, the people were hungry and cold, and the social contradictions were unprecedentedly intensified. Emperor wanli, 47 years in power, was the longest reigning emperor of the Ming dynasty, and he was willing to requisition large amounts of manpower and material resources to build the tombs for himself. The quality of porcelain during this period of the Ming dynasty was also deteriorating due to the incompetence of the government. 这尊明万历青花乳香炉,出自景德镇窑,是那个时代工艺的典型代表。它直径22厘米,高9厘米,青花鹦鹉牡丹图案,枝繁叶茂,画面构思精巧,线条流畅。 The Ming wanli qinghua milk incense burner, from jingdezhen kiln, is the typical representative of the technology of that time. It is 22 cm in diameter, 9 cm tall, and the green flower parrot peony pattern, luxuriant foliage, the picture is clever, the lines are smooth. 在日常生活中,鹦鹉是一种人见人爱的吉祥鸟,羽毛艳丽,体态优美,聪明伶俐,经驯养后可模仿人语,在古代的达官贵族和书香门第之家都饲养这种鸟作为宠物,它是地位、财富以及文化素养的象征和表现。画面上的鹦鹉目光炯炯,嘴唇紧闭,展翅欲飞,飞向它所向往的地方。在此,鹦鹉起到画龙点睛的效果,展翅欲飞的鹦鹉与春风里富贵的牡丹结合在一起,一动一静,两者结合,立体感非常强,整个画面因此而生动自然,清新脱俗,呈现出热情、奔放的人文情怀。 In daily life, the parrot is a beloved lucky bird, feather gorgeous, with a figure of perfect elegance, bright and after domestication can imitate the chattering, the home of the ancient gift-it and scholarly family were feeding the bird as a pet, it is the symbol of status, wealth and cultural quality and performance. The parrots in the picture are bright, their lips are tightly closed, they fly to the place they want to fly. Make the finishing point effect on this, the parrot, parrot wings to fly with the spring breeze in the riches and honor peony together, do a static, a combination of these, stereo sense is very strong, the whole picture so vivid and natural, pure and fresh and free from vulgarity, presents the enthusiastic, bold and unrestrained humanity. 香炉上绘有的三朵牡丹花,呈迎风而怒放之态,还有两朵含苞欲放的花蕊羞答答地藏在一边。牡丹花素有“花中之王”、“国色天香”之誉,以花大色艳、绚丽多姿名扬天下。中国人有喜好牡丹之传统,在我国,牡丹花已有1500多年的栽培历史。俗语道:“谷雨三朝看牡丹。”中原大地处处盛开着雍容华贵的牡丹。唐代诗人皮日休《牡丹》云:“落尽残红始吐芳,佳名唤作百花王。竞夸天下无双艳,独立人间第一香”。最有趣的是,在牡丹花蕊与树叶的空隙之间,还有一只小蜜蜂来补白,画面又增添了几分动感。 There are three peony flowers painted on the incense burner, and there are two beautiful flowers blooming in the wind. The peony flower has "the king of flowers", "the color of the national color" reputation, to spend large and colorful, beautiful and famous world. Chinese people have the tradition of peony, in our country, peony flowers have been cultivated for more than 1,500 years. As the saying goes, "valley rain looks at the peony." The land of central plains is full of elegant peonies. In the tang dynasty, the tang dynasty poet PI day Hugh "peony" cloud: "fall to do all the red beginning to vomit fang, jia call to make a hundred flowers wang. The competition boast is not double yan, independent human first fragrance". The most interesting thing is that there is also a little bee to fill the gap between the peony flowers and leaves and add a touch of movement. |
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