要铸寺院里的铜钟都要哪些金属 |
添加时间:2018/9/20 16:40:16 浏览次数: |
以北京大钟寺的永乐大铜钟为例:永乐钟铜质精良,致密坚固,合金纯度考究。大钟含铜80.5%,含锡16%,还有铅、锌、铁、硅、镁等元素。这种成分配比,与《周礼-考工记》中的“六齐”项下的“钟鼎之齐”的记载极其近似。钟壁薄而经得起重击,音质音色驰名天下。据明人蒋一葵记述:“昼夜撞击,闻声数十里,其声谹谹,时远时近,有异它钟。 Take the Yongle bronze bell in Beijing Dazhong Temple as an example: Yongle bell has excellent copper quality, compact and strong, and excellent alloy purity. The bell contains 80.5% copper, 16% tin, and lead, zinc, iron, silicon, magnesium and other elements. This kind of composition ratio is very similar to the record of "Zhong Ding Qi" under "Six Qi" in "Zhou Li-Kao Gong Ji". The clock wall is thin and can withstand heavy attacks. According to Jiang Yikui of the Ming Dynasty, "Days and nights impact, heard dozens of miles, the sound of its admonition, time is far and near, there is a different clock. |
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